Muhammad Ali
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Istikhara to Stop Divorce and Save your Marriage

Divorce and separation ratio are getting increase day by day because the couple is having busy schedule    and resultant of that they forget to give time to each other. But anyone can use istikhara to stop divorce and save your marriage. Marriage is a relationship between two individuals who was just stranger with each other before marriage and after marriage they come to share their whole life with each other and when two different nature people share their whole life with each other than accruing problems are not a big deal but the thing is that how Quickly and easily they solve the issues and get happiness back in the relationship and these all only happen when a couple has good understanding but if couple doesn’t have good understanding then it really becomes harder for them to resolve the conflicts and resultant of that separation and divorce take place in relationship. And when this kind of situation or this thought get in person’s mind then scoop out this from the mind is become tougher, but in that circumstance, you can take help of istikhara and can give one more chance to your relationship and can save your marriage life.


Istikhara for controlling your husband

mostly the husbands are the causes of divorce case because wives are the part of marriage relationship who gives their whole life to their kids and their husband’s family only and in return she just seeks love of her husband but most of the husband get bored from their wives and cause of that they get extra-marital affairs and when their wife comes to know about all that then she got broken down from inside out. Are you also the lady or a wife who is facing this problem? Then you can easily make yourselves out by using Istikhara. Keep use of Istikhara for controlling your husband and see how effectively it will work for you that your husband will get back on track and love you again same as starting days of marriage.